5 Ways to Be Green and Financially Fit

As more and more businesses are striving to become “green,” they are realizing there is actually a monetary benefit to keeping the World clean. By reducing waste and conserving energy, we can save money and allow the economy and world to run more efficiently.

Here are 5 simple ways you can become greener and save money:

Ditch the Bottle Water: Rather than paying $2 for every bottle of water you purchase, make a one-time investment in a home filtration system. You’ll save money over time and contribute to eliminating the problem the millions of plastic bottles is producing.

Conscious Auto Use: There are many ways you can save money by altering your driving habits. From checking your tire pressure to planning your trips in order to eliminate traveling the same route twice, you can shave a significant amount of wasted money and energy. You’ll reduce gas cost and needed maintenance on your car along with oil consumption and stuffing pollutants in the air.

Go Paperless: Just about any account you may have has an option to go paperless. Just think about how much waste you’ll save by eliminating all your paper bills. If you ever need to refer to an old statement, you can just look it up online and print what you need. Set up automatic bill pay and you’ll no longer need stamps, no longer have to write and send checks, and you’ll never receive a late payment fee.

Turn Off What You Don’t Need: Changing your thermostat when you leave the house, turning off lights not in use, and keeping the refrigerator closed - all of these little things add up to big savings. Just unplugging items that are not in use will save you money on your electric bill. So don’t leave that cell phone charger in the wall and be sure to unplug the toaster and coffee maker when you’re done.

Always Reuse: Nearly anything you can think of can be reused or recycle. There are organizations that will take your Christmas tree and recycle it into mulch. Used cell phones can be donated, old clothes, and even broken down cars. If you don’t get cash up front for your used items, you can donate it for a nice end of year tax write off.

What ways you do you save money by being green?

One Response to 5 Ways to Be Green and Financially Fit

  1. Good list full of good reminders. I would point out, though, that
    unless your toaster has some sort of clock or something electronic
    on it, it does not draw power just because it is plugged in.

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