Tag Archives: debt
How to Create a Debt Elimination Plan
It sometimes seems like taking on debt is unavoidable, unless you happen to be independently wealthy already. If you want to go to college you probably need student loans to get through. If you want a car to get you to work, chances are you won’t have thousands of dollars lying around to spend on
Top 5 Tips for Staying on Top of Your Monthly Debt
Debt is challenge for many Americans today. From car payments to student loans to home mortgages, debt is a part of many of our lives and how we manage that debt can be the difference between success and struggle. Staying on top of your debt and managing it can also be its own challenge, but
How to Avoid a Holiday Debt Hangover This Season
No matter how much you might rail against the consumerism you think the holiday season has come to represent, you still have to admit that there’s really no escaping it. We’ve all got a lot to take care of when the holidays roll around every year, and that’s a simple fact. No man is an
5 Common Myths About Settling Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt has never been a bigger problem in the United States. More and more individuals have found themselves pretty much up to their ears in money owed and requests from creditors to pay it all back. It can begin to be significantly overwhelming, and when you finally decide that it’s time to find