There’s Hidden Cash in Your Wallet

If you needed $1,500, would you rather give up your free time and work for it, or would you prefer someone to hand you $1,500 in cold hard cash, with absolutely conditions… no need to return the favor and no need to ever pay it back. You may think that those types of opportunities don’t happen often, but every person has at least a couple ways to pay themselves this way.


By stopping the income leaks that exists in your wallet.

When it comes down to it, there are basically 3 ways to make money. The first is the one that most people are familiar with, which is to earn it by trading your time and expertise for money. The second is to own assets that produce money for you automatically… like a book, real estate, or a business. The third is the easiest place to find money, yet often overlooked, which is to eliminate spending waste…

…which can be done without actually having to give anything up.

Sure you can save money by cutting off the cable and eating out less, but that’s no fun. Better yet, keep everything you have, but drastically reduce the amount you pay for it… especially the stuff you don’t enjoy paying for in the first place.

Here’s one quick, easy way to find hundreds of dollars in hidden cash in your wallet…

One of the biggest  household expenses is insurance. Every month (or year) you send a big fat check to a company that may never give you anything in return. Insurance is a very important thing to have, and its a good idea to have adequate insurance to protect your health, property and your money. But that doesn’t mean you have to pay premium prices to get great coverage.

With a quick search, you can compare rates from auto insurance providers and find the very best deal. Just enter your zip code in the “comparison search engine,” and you instantly have access to the cheapest rates in your area. In15-seconds you’ve found several hundred dollars in cash leaking from your bank account that you can instantly put an end to.

This is a money-saving exercise that most people “put off until tomorrow,” and the auto insurance companies are very happy if you do too. The average person spends about $1,900 a year on car insurance, but with a quick search you can find rates for as little as $27 a month (or just $324 a year). That’s a huge paycheck you can give yourself without having to give up anything in exchange. That amounts to about one half of a month’s pay to the average American worker.

-$ 324
$1,500 in free cash

Don’t waste time calling around and getting stuck on the phone with an insurance salesman. quickly pulls up the rates in your area and shows you just how much money you can instantly stop from leaking out of your bank account. It’s a quick money making trick that will help you get your payments more in line with where they should be.

Start here

2 Responses to There’s Hidden Cash in Your Wallet

  1. folarin says:


  2. Adwello says:

    I found this very helpful advice, thankyou. It is hard discipline to save but I keep a constant picture in my mind of what I want in the future. The choice is between debt and hardship or financial independence. I choose the latter and save wherever I can.

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